Community treatments
Procedure summary
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Purpose | This procedure guides the decision maker through the process of reviewing and accepting the treatment, monitoring the progress of their recovery, and extending treatment as necessary. |
Description | The decision maker refers to the person assigned to manage the claim and make decisions at certain points in the claim. The decision maker has access to other resources for support in the decision-making process, including supervisors and internal consultants within the WCB. The request for community treatment is reviewed to ensure it’s appropriate for the worker’s injury and will contribute to their recovery and return to work. Specialized treatments and/or treatment from non-contracted treatment providers require appropriate approval. The decision maker discusses options with the worker and together they decide the best course of action and strives to remove any barriers that may prevent the worker from attending their appointment. The decision maker maintains regular communication with the worker and the provider and monitors the progress of the worker’s recovery and extends treatment as required. |
Key information | Treatment including physiotherapy, chiropractic and acupuncture can be beneficial to workers by providing an active functional exercise approach to their treatment and recovery. It also educates workers about pain management strategies and how to manage their daily activities to prevent re-injury. Treatment providers may be contracted or non-contracted. Non-contracted providers include any who are not contracted with WCB to provide services, including private, hospital facility, and out of province. The process for determining entitlement for treatment is different for contracted and non-contracted providers. The method for authorizing treatment also differs depending on claim circumstances and can be found under the individual treatment sections. |