Pharmacy direct billing and medication management
Procedure summary
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Purpose | To manage Alberta Blue Cross (ABC) Pharmacy Direct Billing service, reimburse a worker for medication expenses when they pay out of pocket, and manage emergency medication authorizations. |
Description | Injured workers are automatically enrolled to the ABC Pharmacy Direct Billing service by the eCO system when certain criteria are met and do not have to actively enroll for the service. Workers may also choose to unenroll themselves from the service. Additionally, WCB Alberta may choose to unenroll a worker from the service if there is evidence of misuse of the service, or in select cases where a worker is participating in an opioid tapering program and issues arise. When a worker has paid out of pocket for medications related to their compensable injury, the decision maker processes reimbursement for the medication expense. Emergency situations that involve a worker being exposed to blood or bodily fluids (i.e., bite, cut, scratch, puncture wound or needlestick injury etc.), require urgent authorization for prophylactic medication prior to the claim being registered or accepted. The approval for this type of medication is usually completed by a customer contact center representative who receives a call from the pharmacy, worker or the employer. |
Key information | Alberta Blue Cross (ABC) Pharmacy Direct Billing serviceThe Alberta Blue Cross (ABC) Pharmacy Direct Billing service allows pharmacies to direct bill eligible prescription drug medications based on a set of approved medication packages. All eligible claims will be automatically enrolled in the ABC Pharmacy Direct Billing service, along with the appropriate standard injury and/or manual medication package(s). Claim eligibility criteria to be enrolled include:
An auto-enrollment letter is automatically sent to the worker once a claim has been enrolled in the service. Note: Enrollment and unenrollment in the pharmacy direct billing service does not constitute an entitlement decision. Whether a worker is enrolled in the service, is manually unenrolled by WCB, or chooses to be unenrolled, they continue to be eligible for reimbursement of eligible prescription drug medications by alternate methods:
See the ABC Pharmacy Direct Billing page on the internal WCB Made Easy site for more information. Medication ReimbursementWhen a worker pays for out of pocket for a medication, the decision maker determines if the medication was prescribed for the compensable (accepted) injury and if so, reimburses the worker for the cost. Bodily fluid exposure requiring urgent medicationCertain medication may require emergency authorization through the customer contact center (CCC) before a claim is registered or accepted such as prophylactics when a worker has been exposed to blood or bodily fluids. |