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1. Determine if the request for a financial assistance is appropriate
Confirm that the worker is entitled to re-employment services. To determine if the request for financial assistance is appropriate, consider the following: - Has the worker found a job?
- If so, what information is available to support the employer will not provide the required tools or equipment?
- If not, is it reasonable the worker requires the tools/equipment before they are offered a jobConsider if it's likely that a future employer would provide the necessary tools or equipment.?
- Are the tools and equipment required for the job the worker will be doing? Is the job within the worker’s work restrictions?
- Would the worker’s use of the tools or equipment be within their work restrictions?
- Has the worker provided quotesAsk the worker to provide quotes from 3 separate vendors. Ask the worker to provide quotes from 3 separate vendorsto support the purchase price for the tools or equipment?
- Is the purchase price for the requested tools or equipment a fair competitive market price?
- Is purchasing the tools and/or equipment reasonable and cost effective given the worker's capabilities for returning to work? For example, is it appropriate to purchase a vehicle when the worker has a restriction to only work 2 hours per day.
If the decision is to approve the request for financial assistance, obtain approval, if required, from the appropriate Levels of Authority. Submit the details of the request and recommendation for approval to the supervisor for review. Note: The supervisor will review and approve or deny the request and send their decision and rationale back to the decision maker in a file note. The supervisor will send to the next level of authority for review, if required.
Administrative tasks
Update the eCO Work Restrictions and Return to Work screens, if required. Review the internal Levels of Authority for Claims Benefits - AD-16: Vocational Rehabilitation Expenses. Send a file note (Active Case Management) to the supervisor including the rationale to accept or deny the grant request, details of the approved purchases and whether the grant is for items of a personal nature or non-personal nature.
2. Make and communicate the decision.
Review the supervisor's decision and action any recommendations, if required. Consider whether a referral to the Legal Department is required to establish a security agreementA security agreement is a contract signed between two parties, the borrower and the lender. The security agreement protects the lender by creating a security interest in all or some of the assets of the borrower. The agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the loan, and lists the assets used for security. Discharge of the WCB’s security interest takes place when the worker meets the ownership criteria or other criteria imposed by the WCB at the time of purchase.. Note: The Legal Department is consulted for all costs (excluding personal equipment and clothing) in excess of $10,000.00 per item to determine if a security agreement is required. Contact the worker to discuss the decision and rationale. If the financial assistance is not approved, send the appropriate letter including the rationale for the decision. When the financial assistance is approved, explain that: - All items purchased are provided on a one-time only basis.
- All items of a personal nature (e.g., dust mask, work gloves, work boots, business suit, coveralls, etc.) become the property of the worker immediately upon proof of purchase.
- All items of a non-personal nature remain the property of WCB for 12 months following purchase.
- Servicing, replacement and repairs for personal and non-personal items are the worker's responsibility.
- The worker is responsible to purchase insurance for the equipment, if required.
- The worker can have the supplier contact WCB to arrange for direct billing or submit receipts for purchases by submitting original receipts or scanned/photographed copies of the original receipts via the Worker App, by mail, fax, or email.
- Purchases in excess of $10,000.00 per item and motorized vehicles (car, van, bobcat, tractor, etc.) require a referral to the Legal Department to determine if a security agreement is required. Explain that funds cannot be released until the security agreement is registered.
If a security agreement is not required (the cost is $10,000.00 or less.), send the appropriate letter to the worker confirming the approval of the purchase and send copies to all interested parties, as appropriate. Proceed to step 5. If the financial assistance exceeds $10,000.00 per item and/or involves purchase of a motorized vehicle, proceed to the next step.
Administrative tasks
Send the Claimant – Custom (CL000A) letter if the request for financial assistance is not approved. Send the Approval for Purchase of Tools or Equipment (CL029A) letter when the financial assistance is$10,000.00 or less.
3. Refer to the Legal Department for the security agreement.
Contact a lawyer in the Legal Department to determine if a security agreementA security agreement is a contract signed between two parties, the borrower and the lender. The security agreement protects the lender by creating a security interest in all or some of the assets of the borrower. The agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the loan, and lists the assets used for security. Discharge of the WCB’s security interest takes place when the worker meets the ownership criteria or other criteria imposed by the WCB at the time of purchase. is required, when the request for financial assistance is in excess of $10,000.00 per item and/or the request is to purchase a motorized vehicle (for example, car, van, bobcat, tractor, etc.). The lawyer will arrange for the creation of the security agreement and send it to the worker. Once the signed security agreement is received from the worker, the lawyer will notify the decision maker. Once the security agreement is in place, contact the worker and send the appropriate letter. Note: When a security agreement is required the agreement must be registered before funds are issued for the purchase.
Administrative tasks
Send an email to the legal department's mailbox if or when a security agreement is required. Send the: - Approval for Purchase of Tools or Equipment (CL029A) letter when the financial assistance is $10,000.00 or less.
- Send the RE Update (CL041G) letter, if required.
4. Arrange delivery of items, if required and administer payments
Discuss arrangement for direct billing with the vendor, if required, and send the appropriate letter. Coordinate with the worker and vendor for pick-up or delivery of the tools and/or equipment. Monitor the claim for receipts or billings and administer payments directly to the supplier or worker (with proof of purchase), if appropriate. Note: When arrangements for direct billing cannot be made and the worker is unable to purchase with their own money, consider issuing the funds based on the quotes received for the items.
Administrative tasks
Refer to the internal Finance Department’s site (EW>Departments>Finance>Goods & Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax) for the GST and HST exemption letter. Send the Service Provider Custom (SP000A) letter to approve direct billing. Request payment for the exact amount of the purchase up to the pre-approved amount using TOP/NOPType of payment/Nature of payment code VRE-01. Set a reminder task for review for transfer of ownership at 12 months.
5. Determine if the worker meets ownership conditions.
Transfer of ownership is reviewed 12 months after the original purchase date for all tools or equipment that required a security agreementA security agreement is a contract signed between two parties, the borrower and the lender. The security agreement protects the lender by creating a security interest in all or some of the assets of the borrower. The agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the loan, and lists the assets used for security. Discharge of the WCB’s security interest takes place when the worker meets the ownership criteria or other criteria imposed by the WCB at the time of purchase.. Transfer of ownership for vehicles purchased as part of a re-employment plan are reviewed 5 years after the original purchase date. Transfer ownership to the worker when: - The worker remains employed or employable in the occupation for which the items were purchased.
- Twelve months have passed since the items were purchased.
Notes: - The worker may or may not have been employed for the full 12 months in the position for which the tools and/or equipment were purchased.
- Items of a personal nature (for example, dust mask, work gloves, work boots, business suit, coveralls, etc.) and items that did not require a security agreement become the property of the worker immediately upon proof of purchase.
Call the worker to discuss the decision and send the appropriate letter. When the worker does not meet the transfer of ownership conditions, and it is within the first 12 months, confirm if the worker will be returning the tools or equipment, or if they will be purchasing the items at a depreciated value of 20% (1.7% per month), as determined by WCB. When the worker wishes to purchase the items or if the items will not be returned: - Calculate the depreciated purchase price.
- Create an overpayment and call the worker to discuss repayment options. Work with the worker to recover the money at the depreciated value.
- Send a letter outlining the options for repayment.
Refer to Section 143 of the Workers Compensation Act. Calculate the depreciationA depreciation rate of 20% (1.7% per month) is used to calculate the purchase price for costs in excess of $10,000.00 per item and that have security agreement in place. Example 1: The item purchased cost $15,000.00 and the worker is no longer entitled to at the 12 month review: Depreciated value: 20% 20% x $15,000.00 = $3000.00 $15, 000.00 - $3000.00 = $12,000.00 The worker would pay the WCB the depreciated cost of $12,000.00 to purchase the item. Example 2: The item purchased cost $15,000.00 and the worker is no longer entitled to in month 9 of the first year: Depreciated value: 1.7% x 9 months = 15.3% 15.3% x $15,000.00 = $2, 295.00 $15, 000.00 - $2, 295.00 = $12,705.00 The worker would pay the WCB the depreciated cost of $12,705.00 to purchase the item. The worker's cheque must be payable to the Workers' Compensation Board. Once received, Finance will apply the amount to the overpayment.
Administrative tasks
Send the claimant custom letter (CL000A) outlining the decision and options for purchase or returning the equipment, if required. Ensure the letter confirms the worker's responsibility to maintain, repair and insure the equipment. Create an overpayment by modifying the original VRE-01 payment based on the calculated depreciated cost. If the worker does not return the equipment, send the Overpayment (CL041A) letter explaining the reason for the overpayment and the repayment options.
6. Arrange for return of items.
When items are ready to be returned, notify WCB Supply Services in central office and arrange for the return. Notes: - The Calgary office should arrange returns through WCB Supply Services.
- Returns may be delivered to WCB Central office
Items too large for the worker to pick up may be returned through special arrangement with WCB Supply Services. WCB Supply Services requires two to three days' notice for these returns. If an outside agency is required for the pickup, WCB Supply Services will make the arrangements. The cost of the pickup is charged to the claim. WCB Supply Services tags the item(s) with the worker's claim number, worker's name, a proper description of the item, and the date of receipt. Items are stored for 18 months and then are sent for tender or auction.
Administrative tasks
There are no administrative tasks for this step.