Searching for a procedure or within a procedure
Searching procedures
If you need help with searching for a procedure and within a procedure, follow these steps:
Search for a procedure
- Click your mouse in the search box at the top of the screen.
- Type a word(s) that is specific to the procedure you are looking for.
- Press the Enter key.
- When the procedure that you are looking for displays, click on the procedure title to open it.
Search within a procedure
You can start the search once you are in the procedure.
- Click on Expand All option to show all of the information in the procedure as the search only looks at content that is displayed on the page. It won't search information that is not shown (collapsed).
- Hold down the “Ctrl key” and the “letter f” at the same time and the search box will appear at the top right corner of the screen.
- You can choose to filter the search by matching the case, whole word or both. Turn on one or both options to engage the filter(s).
- Type a word(s) that you are looking for in the procedure. The matching word(s) will be highlighted and the system takes you to the place where the word first appears. It also indicates in the search box how many times the word(s) is found in the procedure. You can use the arrows to view each result.