For health care and service providers

Looking for the forms you need to treat an injured worker? Or information on working with WCB? These resources are available in the following sections.

Forms and guides

Access all the documents you need when treating an injured worker. They're organized by provider, so it's easy to find the one you're looking for.

Fact sheets

In this section you'll find additional information for health care providers on a variety of topics.

Billing information

Find out more about how and when to bill WCB for your services.

Contract information

Learn more about your responsibilities as health care providers under the terms of your contracts and the Workers' Compensation Act.

Looking for job opportunities that might interest your injured patients when they are ready to return to the workplace? Visit the Labour market information page.

Order WCB forms

Order health care provider forms and booklets electronically by simply filling out our online form.

Online services

Sign up for our online services. They're secure, easy to use, and available anywhere you have Internet access.