Policy Consultation Advisory Group (PCAG)

Our Policy Consultation Advisory Group (PCAG) works with the Board of Directors and provides input and advice on policy priorities for the year. This group is made up of four members from the organized labour community and four members of the employer community. Given this group is new, the process and length of the terms will be evaluated after one year.

The organized labour and employer members are selected by their stakeholder groups. Alternate members will attend meetings if the regular representative is unable to.

The policy topics for PCAG’s consideration fall into three broad categories:

  • Compensation policy changes
  • Assessment policy changes
  • Funding policy changes

The group's input and advice includes:

  • Recommended methods of consultation for policies that will have a significant impact on the worker and employer communities.
  • Identification of emerging policy issues for consideration on the annual plan.
  • The scope and methods of consultation for policy changes as they arise outside of the annual plan.
  • Options and proposals for resolving issues that do not require wider consultation (e.g., housekeeping items).

In addition to providing input and advice as noted above, PCAG will also receive information about operational issues, programs, and initiatives at WCB to be able to share with their respective communities.

The group does not deal with individual worker or employer issues, with matters that are primarily operational in nature, or with WCB-Alberta staff issues.

The group’s role and function is advisory in nature—it is not a decision-making body. Accountability for policy development remains with the Board of Directors as authorized under Section 6 of the Workers' Compensation Act (WCA). Accountability for operational initiatives, programs and issues (including individual worker and employer issues or WCB staff issues) remain with WCB.

PCAG meeting minutes

The minutes are available for reference.
