Direct deposit payment service
Everything you need to know to arrange direct deposit payments from WCB.
Health care provider audits
Reasoning and rationale behind our audits on our health care provider network. -
Cannabis retailer and producer
Information on billing and invoicing for medical cannabis authorized for injured workers.
On-site health centre report
Information on when a work-site accident should be reported to WCB. -
Protecting the workers' compensation system
When someone is intentionally dishonest to obtain money or services to which they are not entitled, there are repercussions for all of us. Find out more about how you can help protect the workers' compensation system from misuse.
Return-to-work planning meetings RTWPM
Overview on the benefits of return-to-work planning meetings.
Return-to-work planning meetings for psychological injuries
Your guide to return-to-work planning meetings for workers with psychological injuries
Contact list
This guide summarizes WCB contacts—psychology, RSW and MSW providers.
Hearing aid practitioners/audiologists
Clinician's guide to hearing loss
Facts on noise-induced hearing loss.
Occupational therapists
Home modification assessment
Get the latest information on home modifications assessments.
Occupational injury causation
How WCB medical consultants conduct a causation analysis to determine the work relatedness of injuries, and the process for submitting research for consideration as new evidence.
Distal biceps tendon rupture
Explanation of bicep ruptures that require urgent orthopaedic assessment and or surgery.
FAQs about physician/clinic billing
Commonly-asked questions about physician or clinic billing.
Medical cannabis
Information on medical cannabis coverage for the treatment of a work-related injury or disease.
Online reporting information
Answers to your online reporting questions. -
Opioid management
Steps when prescribing opioids to injured workers.
Physician's guide to expedited services
Information on how to access expedited surgical services for your patients. -
Physician's guide to WCB
Guide to treating injured workers and working with WCB. -
Physician online services FAQs
Commonly-asked questions for using WCB's online services. -
Shoulder impingement syndrome
Explanation of shoulder impingement syndrome including causes and treatment options. -
WCB process for physician reimbursement
Current process for physician reimbursement.
Physiotherapists as first reporters
What to do when a physiotherapist is the first reporter for a worker's injury.