Order WCB Forms - WCB Alberta

Order WCB forms

A number of our most-accessed forms and booklets are available for order. Fill out the fields below and your order will be mailed to you within one week.

If your order is for fewer than 10 forms, please print the form from your office.

Health care provider forms

Acupuncturists Quantity (min. 10)
Acupuncture first report - M007
Acupuncture invoice - M007B
Acupuncture progress/discharge report - M007A
Dentists and denturists Quantity (min. 10)
Dental guide - C616
Dental report - C055/C887
Denturist guide - C617
Denturist report - C884
General Quantity
Health Care Strategy survey return envelopes (box of 500)
Hearing aid practitioner/audiologists Quantity (min. 10)
Hearing aid maintenance and Repairs invoice - C659B
Hearing loss assessment - C662
Hearing loss authorization - C972
Hearing loss package [Limit of 50]
Hearing program invoice - C659
Travel reimbursement - C660
Pharmacists Quantity (min. 10)
Pharmacy prescription invoice - C774
Physicians Quantity (min. 10)
Medical invoice - C568 [Limit of 300]
Medical supplies invoice - C569 (not available for download)
Medical invoice correction - C570 (not available for download)
Physician's completion guide - C459
Physician first report - C050 (not available for download)
Physician progress reports - C151 (not available for download)
Pulmonary history questionnaire - C013
Worker's employment record (chemical exposure) - C117
Prosthetists and orthotists Quantity (min. 10)
Prosthetic and orthotic services invoice - C537

Call 780-498-3999 if additional information is required.