Training-on-the-job (TOJ) program

Watch to learn more about how a TOJ opportunity benefits you and your new worker:

A video thumbnail shows an image of a man in a warehouse, wearing a yellow vest and white hard hat.

A workplace injury can be devastating. A permanent injury, even more so.

The TOJ program is designed to help people who are no longer able to go back to their regular job and employer. The worker develops skills and gains work experience while you receive financial and other support from WCB during your new employee’s training period. This program is designed to help employers bring a new employee into a position.

Feature success story

Years of experience and on-the-job training leads Jack to a new opportunity. Jack Tocher was told he would never drive a truck again. But thanks to our Training-on-the-job program, he’s now sharing his knowledge with the next generation of drivers.

The cost of the TOJ program is shared between you and WCB

As part of the TOJ program, we will reimburse a percentage of the salary you pay your new employee while they learn the new job.

The percentages of reimbursement varies and depends on the related skills and abilities the new employee brings to the position. These amounts are negotiated with the case manager or service provider. It's a simple process—a contract can be completed in minutes.

The duration and amount of financial assistance varies and depends on the skills and abilities needed for the position. Typically TOJ programs run up to nine months, depending on the complexity of the skills needed to perform the job and amount of training required.

We will help you by:

  • Identifying the on-the-job training skills needed and developing a suitable training plan with you.
  • Coordinating and covering the costs for any outside courses or training.
  • Providing in-person support from a team of experienced professionals.
  • Providing subsidy for training wages.
  • Coordinating ergonomic assessments and workplace modifications (if applicable).
  • Pre-screening employees who are a good fit for your organization.

The program benefits both you and your new worker:

You and your new worker can both benefit using TOJ. Your worker develops skills and gains work experience while you receive financial assistance from WCB during the training period. Other benefits include:

  • Protection for the costs of any injury or re-injury that might occur during a TOJ program.*
  • Access to a skilled employment pool.
  • Save time with pre-screening and recruitment.
  • Save money on training costs/wages during the training period.
  • You will have a fully-trained staff member who will contribute to the company.

People hired through the TOJ program are covered by WCB. If a worker is injured or aggravates a previous injury during the TOJ program, the claim costs are applied to the industry and not your WCB account.

Ready to get started?

The TOJ application process has never been easier. We’ve moved to an online platform called WCB Job Connections. All you have to do is keep us in mind when you have a job opportunity and visit the site as part of your normal recruitment process.

You can easily upload your job posting(s) on the site and let the system do the rest. A detailed search function also enables you to start looking for the right candidate for the job. One of our job developers will contact you to help set up an interview.

WCB Job Connections lets you:

  • Search for resumes independently.
  • Find the right people faster.
  • Work with a job developer to find the right person for the job.

If you have any questions or need help getting started, please call us at 1-866-498-4694 or email

*This benefit only applies to employers covered by WCB-Alberta.

Train and Place (TaP) program

The TaP program includes two key components—a training partner delivering current industry-specific training and an employer who is ready to provide training-on-the-job opportunities. Each training program is tailored to support employers who consistently seek workers with specific skills for their particular industry.

We will help by:

  • Developing a suitable training program with you that meets your hiring needs.
  • Pre-screening potential candidates to ensure they meet your requirements and are a good fit prior to training.
  • Providing subsidy for wages during the TOJ period.
  • Providing you with support from a team of experienced professionals through the duration of the program.

You and your new worker can both benefit through TaP. Your worker develops skills and gains work experience while you benefit from fully trained staff who will contribute to your company.

Other benefits include:

  • Access to a pool of workers trained to your specifications.
  • Time savings with pre-screening and recruitment.
  • Money savings on wages during the TOJ period.
  • Protection for the costs of any injury or re-injury that might occur during the TOJ.

Looking for more information about the program? Please contact


  • Training-on-the-job (TOJ) video: Learn more about how a TOJ opportunity benefits you and your new worker.

    A video thumbnail shows an image of a man in a warehouse, wearing a yellow vest and white hard hat.
  • Training-on-the-job (TOJ) fact sheet
    This training program is designed to help injured workers who are no longer able to go back to their regular job or employer. The worker develops skills and gains work experience while you receive financial assistance from WCB during the training period.
  • Train and Place (TaP) fact sheet
    This program provides group training to a worker that is tailored to your specific employment needs. After training, the worker starts their training-on-the job opportunity with you, continuing to learn and enhance their skills on the job.
  • Work assessments fact sheet
    A work assessment is designed to help a date of accident employer train a permanently injured worker into a new position. It can also be used to determine a worker’s capability for employment or suitability for a specific job or skills area.