WCB Job Connections

We’ve moved to an employment and recruitment search engine called WCB Job Connections. All you have to do is keep us in mind when you have a job opportunity and visit the site as part of your normal recruitment process. You can easily upload your job postings on the site and let the system do the rest. A detailed search function also enables you to start looking for the right candidate for the job. One of our job developers will then contact you to help set up an interview.

We’re looking for entry level positions that have room for growth and development but other positions will work as well. Here's an overview of how to post jobs to the site. If you have any questions about the program, please give us a call at 1-866-498-4694.

Employer login

Service Provider login


Return-to-work planning

Resources for employers and workers to begin planning for a successful return to work.

Training and skills development

Sometimes a workplace injury prevents a worker from returning to his/her regular job. We have a variety of services to help a worker return to the work force.

Labour market information

View a catalogue of occupations in Alberta, and learn more about options for re-employment.