Guides and publications
Disability management self assessment – WCB-015
Learn about reporting work-related accidents, communicating with injured employees and return-to-work best practices. This checklist also helps you identify opportunities for improvement. -
Employer handbook
Learn about injury reporting, best practices and your responsibilities as an employer. -
Occupational injury services
Find out more about the Occupational Injury Service (OIS), the benefits of going to a clinic that focuses on work-related injuries, and how the program can benefit employers and workers. -
Employer guide for myWCB online services
Using your online services. -
Online administrator guide for myWCB online
Learn how to use WCB online services for online administrators. -
Partnerships in Injury Reduction (PIR) booklet
Learn how creating safer workplaces for your workers can also help you lower your WCB premiums. -
Premium rate guide
This guide provides you with a basic understanding of the process we use when setting industry premium rates. -
Pricing guide
This guide provides you with an overview of WCB's pricing programs and what they mean for you. -
Worker handbook
A look at the worker's roles and responsibilities in the workers' compensation system. -
WorkSIGHT showcases the stories of the people we work with every day, highlighting return-to-work success stories and WCB business information.
Fraud report online form
If you believe someone is misusing the workers’ compensation system, you can use this online form to let us know.
Fairness review online request form
If you believe you were treated unfairly, complete this online form to request a formal fairness review by the Fair Process Review Centre. -
Fairness review form - G302
If you believe you were treated unfairly, use this form to request a formal fairness review by the Fairness Review Officer and the Fair Process Review Centre. -
Request for interim relief - G041E
Use this form to apply for interim relief (temporary financial support) while a decision is under review or appeal. -
Request for a review form - G040
Disagree with a decision? Complete this form for a review of a claim or account decision. -
Request for a review deadline extension form - DRBEXT
Complete this form if you disagree with a decision that is beyond 12 months and you would like to request a deadline extension for a review of the claim or account decision.
Injury reporting
Job demands reporting-
Cognitive-psychosocial job demands analysis - C1447
For employers without an organization-specific form: Use this analysis to outline the cognitive demands and psychological factors that pertain to specific roles in your organization. This can help support your modified work program. -
Cognitive-psychosocial job demands analysis – C1447A
For employers not using WCB’s C1447: Affix this cover page to your documentation that contains the cognitive-psychosocial job demands analysis. -
Combined physical and cognitive-psychosocial job demand analysis – C1489
For employers not using WCB’s C1447: Affix this cover page to your documentation that contains the physical, cognitive and psychosocial job demands analysis. -
Physical demands analysis - C545
This analysis will determine the specific physical requirements of a job and can be used to identify possible modified duties for positions at your company.
Employer report of injury form (form only) - C040
Submit this form within 72 hours of being advised of the injury. -
Employer report of injury (with instructions) - C040
This guide will help you when completing the report of injury paperwork. -
Employer's progressive injury questionnaire - C606
This questionnaire is used to help determine if an injury that happened over a period of time is work-related. -
Hearing loss claims (employer's information questionnaire) - C139
This questionnaire is used to help determine if the worker's hearing loss is a work-related condition. -
Individual earnings record - A321
A record of your worker's earnings. Helps you keep an accurate, up-to-date record of all wages earned by your worker.
Modified work
Employer claim of undue hardship
Application for your claim of undue hardship. -
Fitness for work form
Send this form with your injured worker to fill out with his or her health care provider. This will assist in developing a return-to-work plan for your worker. This form isn't required if the injured worker is going to an Occupational Injury Service clinic. -
Offer of modified work agreement form
A sample modified work agreement that can be signed by your injured employee once you've agreed on modified work duties. -
Notice to injured employee form
This letter can be filled in and included as part of the information package for your injured employee. Includes important contact information and return-to-work information.
Managing your account
Alternative assessment procedure (AAP) application - A596
Application for interjurisdictional trucking and transport. -
Alternative assessment procedure (AAP) renewal form - A596R
Renewal application for interjurisdictional trucking and transport. -
Authorization of an employer's representative - C966
This form grants authority to a representative to act on your behalf. -
Business pre-authorized debit plan form - A639
We offer a pre-authorized debit (PAD) service. You can also request monthly instalments when you pay your invoices using PAD. -
Claims cost transfer form - A638
Complete this form to initiate a cost transfer review if you believe another employer or their worker was negligent in causing injury to your worker. -
Closing a WCB-Alberta account - A635
A request to close your account. -
Deeming order application - A632
Use this form to assume responsibility for a worker not covered under the Act. -
Employer confirmation of interjurisdictional accounts - C1137
This form is used if it's determined that a worker may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits in more than one jurisdiction. By completing this form, you confirm that you didn't have any business and/or operations in the province of residency at the time of the worker’s accident and you're not required to have an account with the other Board. -
Direct deposit sign up/change request - C975
Use this form to sign up for direct deposit/change your information for Compensation on Assignment payments.
Information requests
Employer request for claim file - C896
Fill in this form when you're asking for a copy of a worker's claim file (or an update since the last file request) and are intending to file a request for appeal or cost relief purposes. -
Request for claim file documents form - C1096
This is a request for specific claim file documents. -
FOIP - Request to access information
This is a request for access to general or your personal information. Personal information on this form is collected under Alberta’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used to respond to your request.
Program sign up
Partnerships in Injury Reduction (PIR) employer registration form
Register to participate in the PIR program. Please note: A certifying partner must be included on your registration form or your PIR registration can't be processed. -
Occupational Injury Service (OIS) employer sign-up - HC-424
This is a voluntary program giving injured workers quick access to medical services at specialized clinics throughout the province.
When an injury happens
Employers are required by law to display this poster in the workplace. The 1-2-3 poster gives workers the basic steps of who to contact to report a workplace injury. Under the Workers' Compensation Act, Section 145, Employers are required to display this poster where employees can see it.
Printable versions of the 1-2-3 posters are available in 17 different languages. Please print your own copies in any language you choose.
- Arabic
- Chinese (Simple)
- Chinese (Traditional)
- English
- French
- German
- Japanese
- Korean
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Punjabi
- Russian
Right to report
This set of posters reminds workers of their rights and encourages reporting injuries.
Right to report poster 1
Right to report poster 2
Right to report poster 3 Select another language...
Promoting safety in your workplace
Visit the Alberta Construction Safety Association and Alberta Forest Products websites to download free safety posters for your workplace.
Other resources
Back to basics
This booklet helps you understand why back pain occurs, how to manage it and how to maintain good back health. -
Back to basics French
French version of the Back to basics booklet. -
Office ergonomics
The introduction of an office ergonomics program is a small but significant step toward reducing work injury in the office. This booklet contains suggestions to help get you started.
No print copies available. -
Office ergonomics French
French version of the office ergonomics booklet.
No print copies available. -
Preventing workplace violence resources
We offer many resources to help you develop workplace violence prevention programs at your worksite.
You can order them online or you can download the poster below.-
Preventing violence at work guide ($2.50)
This 20-page workbook outlines the basic elements of a workplace violence prevention program. It is intended to serve only as a general guide to be used as part of an overall workplace violence prevention program.
Workplace violence: It's everybody's business (DVD) ($15.00)
This 19 minute video is designed for employers to identify and understand workplace violence and devise methods to prevent it.
"Respect" poster ($3.00)
Place this poster in your workplace and let your employees know that respect and safety is a priority at your worksite.
Preventing violence at work guide ($2.50)
The shoulder book
This booklet provides tips to manage shoulder pain and promote shoulder health.
To order print copies of these resources, please email us with your company name, contact name, mailing address, phone number, booklet requested and quantity. You can also call 780-498-8680.
Note: The first 25 copies of all of these booklets, with the exception of the preventing workplace violence resources, are free of charge. Additional booklets cost $2.50 each.