Forms and guides

You can order some of these guides, publications and forms online and have them mailed to you through our Order WCB forms page.

Guides and publications



  • Fraud report online form
    If you believe someone is misusing the workers’ compensation system, you can use this online form to let us know.


Injury reporting

Job demands reporting Other injury reporting

Modified work

Managing your account

Information requests

  • Employer request for claim file - C896
    Fill in this form when you're asking for a copy of a worker's claim file (or an update since the last file request) and are intending to file a request for appeal or cost relief purposes.
  • Request for claim file documents form - C1096
    This is a request for specific claim file documents.
  • FOIP - Request to access information
    This is a request for access to general or your personal information. Personal information on this form is collected under Alberta’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used to respond to your request.

Program sign up


When an injury happens

Employers are required by law to display this poster in the workplace. The 1-2-3 poster gives workers the basic steps of who to contact to report a workplace injury. Under the Workers' Compensation Act, Section 145, Employers are required to display this poster where employees can see it.

Printable versions of the 1-2-3 posters are available in 17 different languages. Please print your own copies in any language you choose.

Right to report

This set of posters reminds workers of their rights and encourages reporting injuries.

Promoting safety in your workplace

Visit the Alberta Construction Safety Association and Alberta Forest Products websites to download free safety posters for your workplace.

Other resources

  • Back to basics
    This booklet helps you understand why back pain occurs, how to manage it and how to maintain good back health.
  • Back to basics French
    French version of the Back to basics booklet.
  • Office ergonomics
    The introduction of an office ergonomics program is a small but significant step toward reducing work injury in the office. This booklet contains suggestions to help get you started.
    No print copies available.
  • Office ergonomics French
    French version of the office ergonomics booklet.
    No print copies available.
  • Preventing workplace violence resources

    We offer many resources to help you develop workplace violence prevention programs at your worksite.
    You can order them online or you can download the poster below.

    • Preventing violence at work guide ($2.50)

      This 20-page workbook outlines the basic elements of a workplace violence prevention program. It is intended to serve only as a general guide to be used as part of an overall workplace violence prevention program.

    • Workplace violence: It's everybody's business (DVD) ($15.00)

      This 19 minute video is designed for employers to identify and understand workplace violence and devise methods to prevent it.

    • "Respect" poster ($3.00)

      Place this poster in your workplace and let your employees know that respect and safety is a priority at your worksite.

  • The shoulder book
    This booklet provides tips to manage shoulder pain and promote shoulder health.

To order print copies of these resources, please email us with your company name, contact name, mailing address, phone number, booklet requested and quantity. You can also call 780-498-8680.

Note: The first 25 copies of all of these booklets, with the exception of the preventing workplace violence resources, are free of charge. Additional booklets cost $2.50 each.