Time Period
A comprehensive evaluation of the head trauma program at Millard Health: assessment, treatment, and return-to-work status
Dr. Douglas Gross, Dr. Annette Colangelo & Dr. Abigail Abada
University of Alberta/Millard Health
2012 - 2014
Adverse events associated with medium and long-term use of opioids for chronic non-cancer pain: an overview of Cochrane review
Dr. Sebastian Straube
University of Alberta
2016 - 2018
Appropriate and efficient management of shoulder injuries: who needs surgery?
Dr. Lauren Beaupre
University of Alberta
2014 - 2019
A prospective evaluation of sports & recreation-related concussions presenting to an urban emergency department: activities, severity, advice and return-to-play/work among adult patients
Dr. Brian Rowe & Leeor Eliyahu
University of Alberta
2012 - 2014
Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair utilizing mechanical bone debridement vs coblation debridement: A prospective randomized double blind trial
Dr. Ian Lo
University of Calgary
2019 - 2024
Ankle stiffness after malleolar fracture: a study of incidence and predictive factors
Dr. M. Elizabeth Pedersen
University of Alberta
2013 - 2017
A randomized clinical trial comparing three methods for anterior Cruciate ligament reconstruction: Patellar tendon, quadruple semitendinosus/gracilis grafts
Dr. Nicholas Mohtadi and Denise Chan
University of Calgary
2007 - 2013
A randomized clinical trial comparing three methods of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction: patellar tendon, quadruple semitendinosus/gracilis and double-bundle semitendinosus/gracilis grafts - 10-year follow-up
Dr. Nicholas Mohtadi
University of Calgary
2012 - 2022 |
A randomized controlled trial comparing low-intensity, pulsed ultrasound to placebo in the treatment of operatively managed scaphoid non-unions
Dr. Neil White
University of Calgary
2014 - 2023
Arthroscopic versus min-open repair of full- thickness tears of the rotator cuff - a prospective randomized study
Dr. Ian Lo
University of Calgary
2005 - 2014
A study of factors influencing return to work after illness or injury
Dr. Jeremy Beach
University of Alberta
2002 - 2004
A systematic review of rotator cuff tears in patients insured by workers' compensation: Prevalence of injury, characteristics of rotator cuff injuries, and outcomes following operative and non-operative interventions
Dr. Lauren Beaupre
University of Alberta
Dr. David Sheps
University of Alberta
2008 - 2010
Assessment and outcomes of traumatic psychological injury in a workers' compensation context
Dr. Sebastian Straube
University of Alberta
2018 - 2021
Assessment of prostheses for transtibial amputees - Phase 2: Quantification of relations amongst socket type, tissue sensation, socket pressure, function, comfort and quality of life
Dr. Janet L. Ronsky
University of Calgary
1998 - 2004
Can HR-pQCT be used to assess fracture healing for earlier rehabilitation in stable distal radius fractures?
Dr. Prism Schneider
University of Calgary
2017 - 2022
Comparison of CT and Arthroscopy for Determining On/Off Track Hill-Sachs Lesions
Dr. Ian Lo
University of Calgary
2017 - 2019
Development of a new clinical test for long head biceps pathology: the SAW test
Dr. Richard Boorman
University of Calgary
2011 - 2013
Development of a triage decision-making tool for the rehabilitation of injured workers (part 1)
Dr. Douglas Gross
University of Alberta
2010 - 2011
Development of a triage decision-making tool for the rehabilitation of injured workers (part 2)
Dr. Douglas Gross
University of Alberta
2011 - 2013
Does functional capacity evaluation (FCE) predict return to work in claimants with work-related upper extremity injuries?
Dr. Douglas Gross
University of Alberta
Dr. Michele Crites Battié
University of Alberta
2003 - 2005
Dynamic CT to determine normal syndesmosis motion and compare motion after static and dynamic fixation of syndesmotic injuries
Dr. Prism Schneider
University of Calgary
2019 - 2023
Early functional return to work following distal biceps repair
Dr. Lauren Beaupre, Dr. Robert Chan and Dr. David Sheps
University of Alberta
2015 - 2019
Early mobilization following arthroscopic rotator cuff repair: a randomized controlled trial
Dr. David Sheps
University of Alberta
2012 - 2016
Early Mobilization Following Cuff Repair: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Current Evidence
Dr. Lauren Beaupre
University of Alberta
2017 - 2018
Effectiveness and safety of high dose opioid therapy in WCB-Alberta
Dr. Sebastian Straube
University of Alberta
2015 - 2018
Effectiveness of Treatments for Traumatic Psychological Injury in a Workers' Compensation Context
Dr. Sebastian Straube
University of Alberta
2017 - 2021
Efficacy of ultrasound guided platelet rich plasma injection for rotator cuff degeneration
Dr. Marni Wesner
University of Alberta
2011 - 2015
Evaluating effectiveness of telerehabilitation services among injured workers in Alberta
Dr. Doug Gross
University of Alberta
2022 - 2024
Evaluation of evidence-based interventions for partial-thickness rotator cuff tears within a best evidence synthesis framework
Dr. Lauren Beaupre
University of Alberta
2021 - 2024
Evaluation of MRI assessment of SLAP lesions
Dr. Ian Lo
University of Calgary
2011 - 2012
Examination of the Trauma Symptom Inventory-2 validity scales for assessment of work-related trauma disorders
Dr. Arlin Pachet
Pachet Assessment and Rehabilitation Services
2020 - 2021
Further defining the role for capsular plication in shoulder instability surgery
Dr. Richard Boorman
University of Calgary
2007 - 2013
Graft reconstruction for "irreparable" rotator cuff tears: superior
capsule reconstruction vs. tendon repair with graft bridging
Dr. Ian Lo
University of Calgary
2016 - 2018
Identifying risk factors for developing traumatic psychological injuries following work-related musculoskeletal injuries
Dr. Doug Gross
University of Alberta
2020 - 2022
Injured workers at risk of poor recovery: who recovers, who doesn't?
Dr. Linda Carroll
University of Alberta
2008 - 2011
Investigating instances of concordant versus discordant validity of the Behavioural Health Inventory-2, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2- Restructured Form and Word Memory Test
Dr. Arlin Pachet
Pachet Assessment and Rehabilitation Services
2019 - 2020
Mindfulness-based interventions in workers to treat mental health conditions
Dr. Quentin Durand-Moreau
University of Alberta
2020 - 2023
Non-invasive diagnostic for the quantitative and qualitative assessment of disease and injury: prevention/recovery via magnetic resonance imaging and metabolomics
Dr. David Broadhurst, Ryan T McKay
University of Alberta
2011 - 2015
Non-operative management of fifth metacarpal neck fractures: Impact of angulation on patient reported outcomes
Dr. Christina Hiscox
University of Calgary
2022 - 2024
Non-operative treatment of full thickness rotator cuff tears: two year follow-up
Dr. Richard Boorman
University of Calgary
2011 - 2012
Percutaneous radiofrequency medial branch neurotomy for patients with chronic pain of facet joint origin
Dr. Robert Burnham
Red Deer Regional Hospital
2002 - 2004
Post-surgical electrical stimulation to enhance nerve regeneration and hand function in patients with carpel tunnel syndrome - a randomized controlled trial
Dr. K. Ming Chan
University of Alberta
2006 - 2007
Predictors of return to work following traumatic work related lower extremity amputation
Dr. Jacqueline S. Hebert
Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital
Dr. Nigel Ashworth
University of Alberta
2003 - 2005
Predictive factors for successful non operative treatment of chronic full thickness rotator cuff tears
Dr. Richard Boorman
University of Calgary
2008 - 2012
Prevention of Post-Traumatic Contractures with Ketotifen - PERK
Dr. Kevin Hildebrand
University of Calgary
2013 - 2018
Prognostic factors in work-related shoulder and knee injury
Dr. Jeremy Beach University of Alberta
2006 - 2010
Prospective randomized study comparing open acromioplasty and rotator cuff repair versus arthroscopic acromioplasty and mini-open repair
Dr. R. M. Hollingshead
U of Calgary
Sports Medicine Centre
Dr. Nicholas Mohtadi
University of Calgary
1999 - 2005
Randomized clinical trial comparing strength and endurance after open or arthroscopic stabilization for recurrent post-traumatic anterior shoulder instability
Dr. Laurie A. Hiemstra
University of Calgary
Dr. Nicholas Mohtadi
University of Calgary
2004 - 2008
Rapid review and recommendations for telehealth treatments of psychological disorders
Dr. Sebastian Straube
University of Alberta
2021 - 2024
Recurrence of work-related low back injuries: the association between patient & administrative assessment
Radoslaw Wasiak, Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety
2005 - 2011
Reliability of clinician return-to-work decisions for Workers’ Compensation claimants: towards a valid assessment battery
Dr. Douglas Gross
University of Alberta
2007 - 2009
Ten year follow-up of non-operatively treated rotator cuff patients
Dr. Rich Boorman
University of Calgary
2018 - 2022
The effect of hip stabilizer muscle strengthening on pain and disability for patients with non-specific low back pain: an outcome-based randomized controlled trial
Dr. Reed Ferber
Karen Kendall
University of Calgary
2010 - 2013
The effectiveness of a new treatment method for patients with carpal tunnel syndrome
Dr. K. Ming Chan
University of Alberta
2002 - 2005
The effectiveness of motivational interviewing (MI) as an interventional tool for improving return to work rates for injured workers with musculoskeletal disorders
Dr. Douglas Gross
University of Alberta
2014 - 2017
The impact of residual deformity on outcome after calcaneus fractures
Dr. Andrew Dodd
University of Calgary
2017 - 2022
The impact of using an evidence-based shoulder clinical pathway for WCB patients with rotator cuff related pathology
Dr. Allyson Jones
University of Alberta
2021 - 2024
The influence of opioid analgesia on functional work capacity
Dr. Douglas Gross
University of Alberta
2006 - 2008
The prognostic value of injured worker's perceptions of the workplace and expectations for recovery in predicting claims outcomes
Dr. Michele Crites Battié
University of Alberta
Dr. Douglas Gross
University of Alberta
2003 - 2007
The validity and reliability of Purdue Pegboard Test and modified Moberg Pickup Test in patients with carpel tunnel syndrome
Dr. K. Ming Chan
University of Alberta
2004 - 2006
Understanding how physicians allocate causation in musculoskeletal disease
Dr. Jeremy Beach
University of Alberta
2006 - 2008
Understanding knee OA pain through brain neurochemistry in working-age total knee replacement patients
Dr. Ashley Harris
University of Calgary
2021 - 2024
Use of database linkage for the surveillance of occupational asthma
Dr. Nicola Cherry
University of Alberta
2005 - 2007
Validation and Refinement of the Work Assessment Triage Tool for Selecting Rehabilitation Interventions for Injured Workers
Dr. Doug Gross
University of Alberta
2017 - 2019
Workplace factors affecting shoulder pain
Dr. Jeremy Beach
University of Alberta
Dr. Nicola Cherry
University of Alberta
2004 - 2007